Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Destructoid - Modern Warfare 2 &Stimulus Package& hits PS3 tomorrow

Destructoid - Modern Warfare 2 &Stimulus Package& hits PS3 tomorrow

May. 4, 2010 - Modern Warfare 2&s Stimulus Package DLC lands on the PS3 and PC today, after about a month of availability on the Xbox 360. The Stim Pack DLC includes: For.

Now PS3 users can feel what&s it&s like to be gouged for an insufficient amount of content too. @hardock spiffy: For the record, I play MW2, and I like MW2, but I won&t buy the Stimulus Package until it drops to ten dollars. ...

Anyone else waiting for this and now its here cant find it? Ive had the in-game message telling me theres new maps available in the store but I go to.

Anyone else waiting for this and now its here cant find it? Ive had the in-game message telling me theres new maps available in the store but I go to.

Anyone else waiting for this and now its here cant find it? Ive had the in-game message telling me theres new maps available in the store but I go to.

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